Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Once More You Open the Door…

I have a serious issue.  SERIOUS issue. I get songs stuck in my head all the time.  ALL THE TIME.  Right now I have some sort of strange running loop of Celine Deon


 and that rap song that goes

don’t got no money”

This is ridiculously annoying because really? Celine Deon? From Titanic? But, even worse, and as Miss E. can back up these facts, I can NEVER EVER EVER remember the correct lyrics.  We’re not talking about knowing all of the right words to the hot new Clay Akin (hehehe) song, it’s much more serious than that, I am unable to remember the correct words to ohhhh say The Itsy Bitsy Spider. I can never remember if it’s “out comes the sun” or “up comes the sun”.  But whatevs.

Being a preschool teacher this is a problem. A big problem. We sing Every. Single. Day. Usually I just conveniently stop singing the few words I can’t remember, or sing really quietly and let the little voices take over my own.  (Similar to when we had recorder recitals in elementary school and I never learned how to play Hot Crossed Buns and so I just moved my fingers and pretended like I was playing the recorder…)

But really? Honestly? I graduated from college.  I know incredibly obscure facts.  I wrote a 40 page paper about medieval literature and views about sexuality.  WHY can’t I remember the words to the itsy bitsy spider?!?

xoxo (or is oxox??)

Miss. M

Monday, March 23, 2009

Life as a preschooler is a picnic in a pretty dress...

Today was the official first day of developmental assessments... UGGGHH!! I will admit, though, that it is going pretty smoothly, and the kiddos are actually having fun with it! While I was inside having my floppy little munchkins attempt (most unssucessfully) to walk heel to toe on a straight line, Miss. M had the pleasure of taking the rest of our class outside for an afternoon picnic. What fun!
On another note, a new trend our girls have picked up is claiming (Everyday) that they are wearing a "brand new pretty dress that" their mommy bought them and they cannot possibly step foot in the sand box in fear that it will get dirty (hmmm... peculiar... I am pretty sure I saw you wearing that "brand new pretty dress" last week, missy!). Anyway, my point is, are they trying to impress eachother with hot new threads? Are they in some sort of unspoken competition with eachother, trying to "one-up" one another? Are they pretending to be princesses in their "pretty dresses"? OR are they simply just a little confused about what "brand new" means? i haven't made up my mind yet.
It makes me laugh every time I hear one of their little lies about their latest fashions, though, because it reminds me of... I dunno... maybe myself a little? You know, inocently trying to revamp last season's sun dress.... avoiding the fact that it may be a year old... but shh...

Just one of many things that I guess I find in common between myself and my students... hmmm more on that later!

Miss. E

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hello World!

Hey Y'all! This is our very first post on our very first blog! Where to start...?

How about ALL ABOUT US?!!?!?! (you must be glued to your screen now)

We're, Miss. Elizabeth and Miss. Marie, two preschool teachers trying to balance Dallas social life, wearing party dresses, keeping in touch with friends around the world, drinking beers with the boys, and updating lesson plans (... and obviously avoiding run-on sentences!).

We went to college together. We were sorority sisters together and roommates together. We graduated together. We got jobs together. We got depressed together...

jokes jokes jokes... We really did do everything together, we're just not actually depressed, we have pretty sweet lives (together?). But, don't get confused, we're not together together... you know what we mean?

But in all seriousness. The point of our blog is to share the ridiculous stories that are ripped from the headlines. Wait, that's Law and Order, not our lives (btw, we call dibs on Stabler!).

Let's try it again, we'll attempt to hold back the sarcasm...

But in all seriousness. The point of our blog is to share the ridiculous stories, funny antidotes, and truly hilarious moments captured in our lives. If we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at? And since we laugh at ourselves A LOT, we're totally going to laugh at everyone else.

OMG. We cannot wait to be BBFF (Best Blog Friends Forever)!!!

Hope you enjoy this peek into our lives!

Miss. E and Miss. M